Developed for the oil field services industry
GEO - Geologists
WellXP - Administrators
WellSTORE - Administrators
Introduction to Data Management
Smart Workflows and Transition Management
Deriving value in IO through Data Analytics
Developed for the oil field services industry
Developed for the oilfield service industries
Specifically for well-site service companies
GEOLogger is fully compatible with the applications which comprise the GEO Software Suite. This application has been designed and packaged with the particular requirements of the mud-logging sector of the oilfield service industry in mind. However, it has the flexibility to be the application-of-choice for many well-site or laboratory-based service companies, in addition to operating companies with restricted budgets.
GEOLogger uses the same easy WYSIWYG interface as GEO and presents well logs on the screen as they appear when they are plotted. The user can manipulate curve data, lithology blocks, modifiers, symbols and text on screen to log information into the database.
Data sharing and re-use
GEOLogger comes packaged with the “Percent Lithology” module as standard, for easy logging of drill cuttings. The application may be further upgraded by adding advanced modules for customised workflows. It allows well information to be easily transmitted as a compact document to your clients for viewing and further utilization using the GEOe-View applicatios.
At the end of the well it takes just a few seconds to present all the data in a composite log format, or indeed in any other user-defined format, without the need to enter the information again.
Flexible functionality
The modules which comprise the GEOLogger log authoring applications are pre-packaged to provide the highest level of flexibility. This standard library of modules provides you with the ability to meet the requirements of your particular operations, or to fit your current budget. You may also add further modules to these base packages in order to create your own truly bespoke solutions.
Geologix has optimized the bundling of our GEOLogger modules based on the most common operational usage. Our cost-effective packages form four distinct levels of functionality: RT, Analyst, Plus and Classic, to suit your requirements.
Find out more about
the GEOSUITE applications
Discover what workflows and features
you need.