GEO - Geologists
WellXP - Administrators
WellSTORE - Administrators
Introduction to Data Management
Smart Workflows and Transition Management
Deriving value in IO through Data Analytics
Geologix's Remote Pore Pressure & Geomechanics Services support the Well Operations team to mitigate well control risks and reduce cost.
Reliable pore pressure forecasting, real-time PPFG monitoring and geomechanics insights are delivered through our innovative cloud system - ready for any well project - from conventional hydrocarbon wells to new generation energy such as Geothermal, Carbon Capture (CCS) and end of life Abandonments.
Pore Pressure Service
From well planning to end of well lessons learned, we ensure that you can drill safe and efficient wells.
We provide full pre-drill forecasting using offset well information, reports and pressure test data. Our software technology gives you real-time oversight on pore pressure sensitive data and we help your rig team understand and analyse its impact.
Constant updates on Pore Pressure and Fracture gradient forecasts are delivered dynamically, ready for collaborative discussion through our cloud dashboard. Our holistic post drill review and analysis package gives you the data and insights ready for your next well.
Software Applications
Geo Pressure analysis software is available as part of our flagship software GEO, available to your resident pore pressure engineers or geologists. GEO can be used to provide Pore Pressure and Geomechanics analysis across the life-cycle of the well, from planning to abandonment.
Your analysis becomes a digital asset you can retain and modify throughout the timeline of your wells.
Geologix geoscientists can help you construct templates with custom calculations and workflows applicable to your wells and projects.
Beyond software and expertise
Geologix provides robust, reliable and intelligent software, comprehensive and personalised customer care and, where required, full training. All products and services are tailored to your specific requirements.
Find out how our software and services have helped customers on challenging wells through a selection of case studies
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