Log Bureau
GEONet Services

Geologix experts can help train your team, prepare custom log templates pre-spud, and provide high quality final well log prints.





We're partners, we'll take the technical burden off your shoulders. Make sure the GEOSUITE gives back more than you put in.

Custom Templates

Most Operators have a corporate log format. This can be easily replicated visually - but that's only part of the story.

Custom Templates can include settings so that when data is loaded; curves appear automatically, graphs populate automatically, subsurface analysis or drilling efficiency algorithms execute on their own. A full suite of logs styles can be authored simultaneously using shared data sets.


As a new user expect to be able to use GEOSUITE at the wellsite from just a 90 minute online training course - it's free too.

If your timeline allows, we also run a one-day basic course at our offices that gives that higher level of detail for Lithlog to Composite log workflows. That's free too.

Advanced Courses

For courses directly related to your Template, workflow and operations footprint, please contact your nearest office.







Final Well Log Print

Whether it's for your companies physical archive or for submission to partners or a regulatory body, ensure the final produce of your well is of the highest quality.

Geologix geoscientists QC your log, present a draft log for your review and attend to any edits required. Final logs are despatched via courier.

Log and legacy log creation

Geologix geoscientists can create logs from your archived data, in off-the-shelf or custom log formats.

For example we can help fill gaps in your well log portfolio from an incomplete dataset from a licence acquisition, or where a digital log is required in your latest log format.

Find out more about
the GEOSUITE applications

Discover the best app for the role and what features you'll need.
