Monitor your drilling window in real-time with live Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient trends

Pore Pressure Surveillance

Monitor your drilling window in real-time with live Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient charts

Isolate shale sections and define your NCT to calculate PPFG from a range of source data such as DX, DT and Resistivity. Import or calculate OBG.

Refine the PPFG calculations with interpretive tool for presentations to colleagues and use on future wells.



  • Develop a PPFG model and use as a guide during drilling
  • Interpret your NCT during drilling and affect your calculated PPFG live.
  • Create an End of Well PPFG plot for next well reference.


Pressure sensitive well data

Extend your monitoring of pore pressure using conventional well datasets set aside your pore pressure calculations.

Data sets sensitive to pore pressure change can be consumed in real-time for the most up to date assessment


Focus on the Pore Pressure interpretation and effortlessly stream data from WellSTORE as you drill. Automatically load LWD & drilling data as well as casing and formation information.

Wellbore Stress Direction

Analyse the condition of the borehole through the calculation of ovalization parameters from sonic, bit and caliper data.

Based on the direction on ovalization, SHmin can be determind and correlations to regional stress maps made.

Displayed alongside interpreted lithology, judgement can be made on the litho units causing borehole collapse.

These logs can be also be used to constrain image log processing depths saving time and costs, as well as update and calibrate regional stress maps.
