Maximising the value of the Daily Geological Report 30th June 2021 – Posted in: Drilling, Geology
Maximising the value of the Daily Geological Report
Operations Geoscience Conference, The Geological Society, London, 7-8th November 2018.
Efficient utility of quality information is a key component of how we make decisions. Therefore, as we rely more on real-time decision making and collaborative technologies, every opportunity to update legacy workflows should be taken. The DGR is commonly created as a stand alone document, carefully created by manually entering values and statistics in a digital application. A PDF is then generated and shared around the organisation. This is both time consuming and digitally inhibiting. This case study shows how automation can plan a key role in data integrity, limiting the amount of manual intervention and occurrence of human error. Maintaining a useful digital format throughout the report’s life-cycle is imperative for real-time decision making in online collaborative workspaces. As we move into an age where we will increasingly rely on data analytics to provide lessons learned and well review information from a well database, the unique information in a DGR should also be as easily leveraged as sensor data.